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26th of February 2018, Blog #588

A Cirrus SF50 Vision Jet was on a delivery flight from the USA to Europe on this day in aviation history. One of the legs on this day took the aircraft from Iqaluit Airport (YFB/CYFB in Canada) to Godthåb/Nuuk Airport (GOH/BGGH in Greenland).

The aircraft in its final position, just off a runway perimeter road (Source; © Unknown)

After an uneventful flight, the crew of two started to prepare for the approach and landing at Godthåb/Nuuk Airport by obtaining the weather from Nuuk AFIS (Automatic Flight Information Service). They noted the weather at Nuuk as;

  • Wind - 14oº at 2 knots

  • Visibility - > 10 kilometres

  • Clouds - None

  • Temperature - -9 ºC

  • Dewpoint - 18 ºC

  • QNH - 1019 hPa

  • Transition lvl - FL90

  • Runway condition - 1 mm compact snow over 10% of runway length

  • Braking action - Good

ATC issued a descent clearance and the aircraft started its descent from cruise flight level towards Nuuk. During the descent, the pilot got visual contact with the runway and requested a visual approach to runway 05.

Recovery activities of the aircraft being undertaken (Source; © Unknown)

ATC cleared the aircraft for a visual approach to runway 05, stating that the wind was variable at 4 knots. The aircraft was configured for landing as per the appropriate checklist. Just before landing ATC gave the latest wind information to the pilot, 150º at 5 knots. A normal flare and touchdown followed and the pilot applied the brakes to decelerate the aircraft. A short moment after applying the brakes the pilot noticed a loss of brake pressure for the left brake, and the aircraft started to veer to the right, off the runway centreline. The pilot released the brakes and brought the aircraft back to the centreline. He then instructed the passenger, in the right seat, to apply the brakes. Also from the right side, the left brake was unresponsive and the aircraft started to veer to the right again. Again the pilot brought the aircraft back to the centreline and realised he would not be able to stop the aircraft at the remaining runway. He then decided that the best option was to stop the aircraft using the right wheel brake only.

The aircraft was towed back to the ramp after recovery from the snow

(Source; © Unknown)

The brakes were applied a third time and, with only the right brake functioning, the aircraft veered to the right, left the paved area of the runway and came to a stop in a snowbank adjacent to the runway. Minor damage was sustained to the aircraft at the;

  • Nose Wheel Door

  • Left Main Wheel Door

  • Wing Fairings

The accident was notified to, and investigated by the Accident Investigation Board of Denmark (Havarikommissionen for Civil Luftfart og Jernbane). They concluded that the probable cause of the accident was;

" Insufficient torque of a brake tube fitting leading to leakage of hydraulic brake fluid and a consequential partial brake failure resulted in a runway side excursion."

** Editorial note **

V2 Aviation - Training & Maintenance has not been able to obtain an investigation report on this accident. This blog is therefore based on several internet sources. Should there be an inconsistency in the blog don't hesitate to get in touch with us. There are two possibilities to do that, via the comments function at the bottom of this page or via the contact page of the website.

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